BAPS Motor Speedway
Two-Sided Jumbotron Coming to BAPS in 2021
When Owner Scott Gobrecht and General Manager Kolten Gouse took over the reins of BAPS Motor Speedway, formerly Susquehanna Speedway Park, before the 2016 season, the first order of business was to put an improvement plan in place.
It started with cosmetic changes and continued with safety advances. Over the last couple of years, the management team went to work on amenities to enhance the fan experience.
That will continue this offseason. There is still one more race in the season at BAPS Motor Speedway — the Nov. 14 Sprint Showdown — but the process has already started for 2021.
The old scoreboard is being ripped down after the season and will be replaced by a Jumbotron that will serve as a scoreboard, provide replays, and also service fans and advertisers at the speedway. The structure will be sponsored by McGrew Companies/Crownstone Equipment, the parent company of their Bobcat franchise locations.
“The speedway has been in desperate need of a scoreboard from the very beginning,” Gouse said. “We are excited to team up with Bobcat and Crownstone Equipment to offer our fans and race teams the very best experience when it comes to this Jumbotron.
“Over the last five years, we’ve made a lot of improvements at BAPS Motor Speedway, and we will continue to work hard at providing the best possible experience for our fans and teams.”
The state-of-the-art Jumbotron will be 26 by 10 feet in size. It will also feature a two-sided board, making it the first of its kind at any racetrack in the Northeast.
Crownstone Equipment saw the value of local dirt-track racing and getting involved at the speedway, which led to the company signing a five-year naming rights agreement and also becoming the official equipment provider at BAPS Motor Speedway. You can find Crownstone Bobcat locations in Lancaster, York, and Adams County, as well as Frederick and Hagerstown, Md.
“Crownstone Equipment is proud to be both an equipment and sponsorship partner to BAPS Motor Speedway’s track crew and especially the fans,” said Greg McGrew, President and CEO of McGrew Companies/Crownstone Equipment. “To be the exclusive Jumbotron naming rights sponsor at such a historical and community centric venue fits our product offering nicely.”
McGrew Enterprises, LLC, d/b/a Crownstone Equipment, was created in April 2018 in anticipation of the acquisitions of the Bobcat of York and Bobcat of Adams County operations. Those acquisitions happened as planned in the Summer of 2018, and McGrew acquired a third location, Bobcat of Frederick, shortly thereafter in November 2018. With the business doing well and loving what they were building, Crownstone Equipment went on to open a brand new store with Bobcat of Hagerstown February of 2020, followed closely by the acquisition of Bobcat of Lancaster in late February 2020 with the rights to a future location in Berks County.
Greg McGrew’s original business venture was building McGrew Equipment Company (www.mcgrewequipment.com) from the ground up using a strong history & understanding of the value of agricultural and industrial equipment and his passion for the process. The lessons learned in customer service, promotion, and reading the local market are now being used in the Bobcat operations of Crownstone Equipment.
McGrew management draws from its extensive experience, with Greg at the helm with more than 20 years in the industrial equipment industry, and CFO, Jeff Miller with over 15 years of business & operational finance experience, with the support of the Leadership Team across various fields of expertise. Learn more about each of us in our “Meet The Team” section.
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In the Spring of 2018 McGrew Enterprises began with the initial purchase of Bobcat of York and Bobcat of Adams County. With the added growth of Bobcat of Frederick later that same year, it became apparent that an umbrella name was going to be needed to best market the three McGrew stores together. Owner, Greg McGrew, wanted an original name that reflected the geographic influence of the dealerships, both those that exist currently as well as future franchises in Hagerstown, Lancaster and more.
The Leadership team ultimately settled on the name of Crownstone Equipment to act as the Parent, or Umbrella, name covering all franchise stores; Bobcat of York, Bobcat of Adams County and Bobcat of Frederick. The Crownstone name was chosen based on its tie to the community and proximity to all the current stores. These crownstones are spaced every five miles along the Pennsylvania and Maryland border, for 55 miles, and indicate the Pennsylvania or Maryland side of the line on each crownstone with sculpted coats-of-arms. Today, while several of the original stones are missing or buried, many are still visible, resting on public land and protected by iron cages.
Article Credit: BAPS Motor Speedway